Cozy Cottages


Find your home away from the city

Considering a number of factors, Cozy Cottages located in Nakwero, Gayaza is a fantastic choice of homes for urban young people seeking financial independence through investing in these affordable apartments. 

These 45-square meter semi-detached apartments located just outside the central business district provide a peaceful environment with a breath of fresh air straight from the surrounding vegetation and a taste of the outdoors if you are trying to get away from the bustle of the city. At Shs 65 million for an apartment, Cozy Cottages is designed with ample parking space, free water 24-hours a day, individual yaka and water meters, and a ready property title.   

The easily accessible roads, nearby supermarkets, and secure neighborhood all together make Cozy Cottages a place to seriously consider.

Furthermore, Cozy Cottages residents get to enjoy evening strolls or energizing power walks away from pollution and heavy vehicle traffic. Book a visit today and take a look at Uganda’s housing industry game-changer.

Price: UGX 65 million (1-bedroom house + kitchen, living & Dinning + Space Bathroom)

Affordable Homes Ugx 65 Million (1BHK)


Ample parking space


Nearby supermarket (within estate area)


Free water 24 hours a day


Individual Yaka Meter

Something uniquely different is coming up for the first time in Uganda to make your Dream Home a reality now!

  • Kiwale, Gayaza – Wakiso District next to Baj petrol station and opp St. Noah Church
  • Just 4 km from Gayaza roundabout
  • 2 km from Canaan sites Gayaza

Reach out to us if you are interested in any of our projects.


A range of 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Units to pick from in Areas of Munyoyo,Bukoto,Kigo,Naalya & gayaza.